We have always felt that the lemon is possibly one of the most underrated fruits in the world. It is easily accessible, available year-round, and has versatility beyond our imagination. Come to think of it, lemon has some use in our everyday life or another. We use it in cooking, as a home cleaning agent, and for health and wellness purposes. And this is why you will find a bunch of lemons always holding a spot in our fruit and vegetable basket. But let’s agree, we often struggle while picking the right kind of lemon from the market – it either turns out too green to squeeze the juice, or overripe, making it impossible to use in cooking. If you relate to the struggle, then dear reader, stay back and read through the article as we have some of the best and foolproof tips to pick the juiciest and freshest lemons from the grocery aisle. Let’s take you through.
Also Read: Easy Lemon Recipes To Try This Week

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5 Foolproof Tips To Buy the Juiciest Lemon From The Market:
1. Check the weight:
This is possibly the easiest way to pick the best-quality lemon. Always remember that the heavier the lemon is, the juicier it will be. So, we suggest picking each of the lemons and comparing their weight before you choose a few for your kitchen. And to do so, compare lemons of the same size and shape.
2. Squeeze gently:
This is something you need to do very carefully. After checking the weight, gently press the lemon to see if it is soft. The softer ones are juicier and ready for consumption. But remember, do not press the fruit too hard – that might ruin it completely.
3. Review the skin:
Whenever you are picking a lemon, check its skin texture. If the skin looks bumpy, then understand, the fruit hasn’t fully matured. Put it back on the shelf and go for the one that looks smooth and even.
4. Check the colour:
Next, we have to determine the colour of the lemon. Go for the ones that look bright and yellow. The darker the yellow, the riper and juicier the fruit is going to be. In fact, the smallest hint of green could mean that the lemon is yet to mature.
5. Check for signs of mold:
Along with the colour, check for spots. At times overripened lemons come with brown spots – the signs of mold. When you cut open such lemons, they release a foul smell, indicating spoilage.
Also Read: What To Do With Lemon Peel? Use It In These Amazing Ways To Enhance Your Meals

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Now that you have picked the juiciest lemons from the market, use them generously in your meals, adding tangy goodness to it. Click here for some interesting ways to use lemon in cooking.