If your day does not begin until you have the first sip of your coffee, chances are you also own a coffee-making machine at home. A coffee maker is every coffee lover’s best friend. Not only does it provide you with a nice cup of Joe at any hour, but it is also portable and mobile. However, is your coffee tasting a little different nowadays? Then chances are it could be because you have not cleaned it thoroughly in a while. Just like any other kitchen appliance, cleaning your coffee maker is important for its proper functioning. If you have made up your mind to clean it, then we have compiled a list of 5 mistakes that you should avoid while cleaning your coffee maker.
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Here Are 5 Mistakes That You Should Avoid While Cleaning Your Coffee Maker
1. Using Harsh Cleaners
Are you using vinegar or abrasive scrubs to clean your coffee maker? If so, you may be damaging the machine’s surface, which might affect the final taste of your coffee. While vinegar is an amazing cleaning agent, harsh cleaners like it can leave unwanted residue behind that may affect your coffee maker’s components, such as rubber seals. Instead of using harsh cleaners, invest in mild, non-abrasive cleaners recommended by the coffee maker’s manufacturer.
2. Just Cleaning The Carafe
If you own a coffee machine at home, you must be aware that all its components are equally important, not just the carafe. Other parts of the coffee maker, like the water reservoir, hot plate, filter basket, steam wands, and drip trays, require regular cleaning to prevent bacterial growth. To keep your coffee maker as good as new, soak every removable part in soapy hot water for 15 minutes. Practising this ensures a hygienic coffee-making environment.
3. Not Descaling
Cleaning your coffee maker is not just about removing unwanted coffee residue. Due to the coffee-making process, there is a lot of product build-up, like limescale, that gets left behind. Limescale, caused by magnesium and calcium in the water, can harm your machine in heated areas. This might rust the inner and outer parts of the coffee maker and cause heating issues. If your product allows it, descaling with a vinegar-water solution can help with deep cleaning.
4. Not Running Water Through It
Do you run your coffee maker just on water? If not, then this is one practice that you should do regularly. Flushing your coffee maker with water is an effective way to keep it clean efficiently. Running a water cycle can help clear any coffee residue left in the maker while enhancing the taste of your next cup. Regularly running your coffee maker on water maintains good machine hygiene and saves it from any unpleasant smell.
5. Not Drying The Parts After Washing
To clean your machine properly, you need to dismantle every removable part of it. However, what many people forget to do is to wash and DRY the removable parts of the machine. Not drying the parts before assembling can lead to moisture, odours, and bacterial growth in the machine. For metal components, drying would ensure rust does not occur on the machine. Not drying the parts could impact the machine’s functionality.
Also Read: 5 Coffee Makers That Will Help You Make The Perfect Coffee
Do you have any other suggestions to keep in mind while cleaning coffee makers? Let us know in the comments below!