“Finish your glass of milk” is something we all heard while growing up. Ever wondered why our mothers and grandmothers stressed drinking milk every day? It’s because milk and its products have always been considered wholesome, and packed with a host of nutrients. However, the discourse around milk can be controversial, as our understanding of this food continues to evolve. Today, a simple Google search yields a long list of pros and cons, making it challenging to separate fact from fiction. One such debated topic: does milk really strengthen bone health? Let’s find out.
Also Read: What Foods You Should Not Have With Milk? Experts Share
Milk For Bones: Why Milk Is Tied To Bone Health Development?
Many of us were raised believing milk is crucial for children’s bone strength and elderly bone maintenance. It’s rich in nutrients like protein, vitamins, antioxidants, probiotics, and minerals such as calcium. According to the National Institute of Arthritis and Musculoskeletal and Skin Diseases, calcium salts, particularly calcium phosphate, contribute significantly to bone hardening and strength.
Since our bodies can’t produce calcium, we rely heavily on external sources like food and drink to meet our needs, making milk a primary calcium source.
Also Read: 5 Essential Safety Practices When Handling Milk

Does Milk Truly Improve Bone Health? Facts vs Myths
Bharathi Kumar, a dietician at Fortis Hospital, Nagarbhavi, Bangalore, asserts that milk and dairy products are calcium-rich. Several studies support the view that milk enhances bone health and reduces fracture risks.
“Additionally, they contain vitamin D and protein, essential for bone health. However, it’s not all positive,” she adds, pointing out that some researchers suggest high dairy intake may not always prevent fractures. Indeed, the acid load in certain dairy products, like cheese, can have negative effects on the body.
Stanford nutrition scientist Christopher Gardner weighs in on misconceptions, explaining that while milk is a good calcium source, it isn’t necessarily the pivotal factor in bone health. Studies indicate milk consumption can enhance bone density, yet its role in preventing fractures remains debated.
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What Happens With Excessive Milk Consumption? Side-Effects To Consider
Excessive milk intake can have drawbacks, warns dietician Bharathi Kumar. Lactose intolerance, causing bloating, gas, and diarrhoea, is a common issue. Moreover, according to a report from the Cleveland Clinic, studies suggest drinking three or more glasses of milk daily might increase fracture and hip fracture risks. A Swedish study published in the British Medical Journal found women who drank three or more glasses daily nearly doubled their fracture risk compared to those drinking less than one glass daily.
Does this mean we should skip milk? Absolutely not! Bharathi Kumar advises moderation, emphasising milk should complement and not replace meals to enjoy its benefits without major side effects.
Make thoughtful meal choices to stay healthy!