Oats For Weight Loss: Fact Or Fiction? Experts Share Insights

We all have tried shedding those extra kilos at some point in life. And in the process, we have adopted various diet regimes to speed up the journey. One such popular inclusion in our weight loss regime is oats (or oatmeal). A mere search on the internet will bring forth a list of oats-based recipes that claim to be weight-loss friendly. But the question is, does oatmeal help you lose weight? Given the fact that it contains adequate carbs and calories, oats often make a controversial ingredient in the world of health and fitness. Do not get confused! In this article, we will help you separate the facts from fiction and help understand if oats are actually beneficial for your health. Let’s get going.

Also Read: Why Should You Avoid Eating Oatmeal In Breakfast? Ayurveda Health Expert Weighs In

Why Are Oats Considered Healthy?

Oats, one of the oldest cereal grains, are enriched with various micro and macronutrients that we need daily. According to WebMD, the ingredient is said to contain more protein than many other grains and loads you with soluble fibres called beta-glucan, nourishing you from within.

Nutritionist Gargi Sharma weighs in, “The soluble fibres in oats help lower cholesterol levels and increase intestinal transit time, reducing glucose absorption in the body. Alongside, the antioxidants called avenanthramides help suppress high blood pressure levels by producing nitric oxide gas, aiding the movement of blood through blood vessels.

Also Check: Want a weight loss plan that fits you? Click here for a personalised diet and recipes from a certified nutritionist.

Do Oats Actually Help You Lose Weight?

While the rich nutrient content of oats can not be denied, the ingredient also packs you with starches due to the high carb content. Nutritionist and Macrobiotic Health Coach Shilpa Arora states that starch with a high glycemic index “may lead to an insulin spike and increase diabetes risks, if not taken mindfully.”

Nutritionist Leema Mahajan weighs in, “Oats can be good or bad for your health, depending upon the ingredient you use. If you are using instant oats, which have a very high glycemic index, when topped with sweet fruits, may lead to an immediate sugar crash.” This may further increase sugar cravings, fatigue and lethargy, further having a reverse effect on your weight loss regime.

What Is The Right Way To Consume Oats For Weight Loss?

Nutritionist Anjali Mukherjee explains, “Oats or any food by itself will not assist you in weight loss unless it is added to a protocol that is weight loss friendly.” She further states that oats, due to their high glycemic index, should be paired with foods that have low glycemic index and moderate in fibre.

“This makes the meal diabetes-friendly, further assisting weight loss,” she adds. She also recommends that people go for steel-cut oats instead of the instant ones, as the former provides you with the “slow and steady energy you need” to speed up the weight loss process.

Also Read: Viral ‘Oatzempic’ Drink For Weight Loss: Is It Helpful Or A Fad? Experts Weigh In

Now that you know the right way to include oats in your diet, we suggest, be mindful of your food choices and enjoy the benefits to the fullest. And the best practice is to consult an expert to understand your diet regime as per your health and body type.

Note: This article may contain links to third-party websites or resources. However, this does not affect the integrity of the content, and all the recommendations and views are based on our independent research and judgement. 

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