Reddit User Seeks Divorce Over Husband’s Habit Of Tightening Food Jars

A woman has filed for divorce from her husband, alleging that he deliberately closed food jars so tightly that it required tremendous effort on her part and frequent assistance from her neighbour to open them. The woman recounted her experience in a now-removed Reddit post, stating, “It wasn’t a huge deal if he was there, but if I was alone, it was so annoying. More times than I can count, I’ve opened a new jar of something because I couldn’t get the jar open.” Enduring this situation for five years, the woman revealed that she had experienced “major meltdowns” due to the tightly closed lids and often reached her “breaking point”.

The husband, however, justified his actions by claiming that he tightened the jar lids to “keep food fresh”. The situation escalated when he had to leave home for 10 days without loosening a single lid. The wife was compelled to seek help from her neighbour, who suggested that her husband might be intentionally tightening the lids. “It was every jar, and I’m certain he doesn’t regularly use hot pepper paste or mango puree or any of your other fancy cooking stuff. Then he held up the two jars he couldn’t open and said, ‘I don’t know why he’s doing it but it wasn’t an accident’,” recounted the wife, as told by the neighbour. The woman promptly filed for divorce, asserting that she would have reconsidered her decision if at least one of the jars had not been tightly sealed.
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AITAH for filing for divorce because my husband over tightens all the jar lids?
byu/DirectionProper9461 inAITAH

Redditors rallied behind the wife in support. “No, you’re not getting a divorce because of jar lids; you’re getting a divorce because your husband is gaslighting you for sport,” commented one user. “I’m just imagining this dude sneaking into a dark kitchen every night to tighten all the jar lids while manically laughing,” noted another.

byu/DirectionProper9461 from discussion

“Your husband has spent five years deliberately making your life harder in small ways and then lying to your face to make you think you’re crazy,” highlighted a well-wisher.
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byu/DirectionProper9461 from discussion

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